Travis Barker Recording Session Flo Rida-Low official video

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

complete change

Let the update begin =)

Too bad i could not make it to the 1st two days of camp but i made it for the last day.....i met up with my sheep before going to christ when i was there every1 was like CHESTER~ haha everybody loves chester =P *joking* but we just mess around and played some soccer...later we had some teaching from pastor simon eng, on how to prepare our lives it was totally great then we ate dinner it was just very fun, we crack super lame jokes hah!!!! then we had another sermon on building god's house successfully its also great =) then CONCERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was suddenly so high man then i dance and jump till my pants almost drop and i really mean it then it was then that i remembered what marcus told me about king david haha now i understand what king david felt...he must be also very high when praising god...then we sang a song about friends and it was then that i almost cried but i did not was that time that i remembered the joys and laughters i had in caregroup and the bad times too...then i realised that because of the caregroup, i am who i am now....thanks for everything guys =) and i even remembered when i 1st when caregroup at the old rc, marcus gave me a F&N cherry to drink haah!!!!!! Then theres worship man i love it and later back to praise phew we sang and sang...when i woke up the next day i could not even speak properly i had a sore throat but who cares as long as i can praise the lord yay!!!!!! then the next day after the end of camp ceremony, we went to long john with gideon then we shared many stuff lar...then i went back home to sleep then after dinner at bout 8:30pm, i went to sleep untill bout 9:30pm haha super tired but its all worth it

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