Travis Barker Recording Session Flo Rida-Low official video

Monday, December 31, 2007

Gods love never fails =)

Wow!!!!!!!! its the new year dudes now~ cant wait for the exciting plan god has in stall for me...kinda through wad happen the past year and i'm really glad to say its a great great year...1st three months was crap till daryl brought me to church and it was then i'm really change in a miraculous way...from a new believer i'm now a shepherd and people turn to me for help occasionally this really made me feel really good that of all the billions in the world god chose me....What 2008 holds for me i dont know but i bet its gonna be something really really exciting and i really have people whom are passionate bout god and serve willingly....
Now on with the day...went over to marcus hse and lepak its really cool to play soccer at the small field and stuffing urself with pizza and kfc then we had a count down 5...4...3...2...1... Happy new year then we all decided to bunk at ming jangs hse but joke he did not bring his hse key so we went to sam hse to stay over...bathing never felt so refreshing till that day then we stone at the tv screen and pak...we all fell!!!!!! Nigel snore super super loud oh and something random....massive love for theodore so cute so i'm glad jesus came to my life if not all this would not have i'll stand with arms high and heart abandoned in awe of the one who gave it all.........
happy new year to all

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