Travis Barker Recording Session Flo Rida-Low official video

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Out of the blue

Finally i'm able to update my blog kinda busy with my exams...Today was very fun man during cg we had loads and loads of fun and after caregroup we played was very fun man and i scored*definitely*. But thats not the point. After i reach home, i went to bath and it was then that everything dawn on me. While bathing, i kinda had some flashback of us playing soccer and i had a strong emotion during that time when time and again god have bless me and till now with countless people that had not only mould me but brought me joy and annoyance*dono how to spell* but its like everyone that i come across is part of a present god has given me, bringing me different aspects of the areas in my life. Its like everyone had a part in shaping me and moulding me. Isn't god just simply amazing on how you never realised that he had friends whom we must not take for granted. So to end off why dont u reflect on people that have brought you joy and three cheers for them. =)

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