Travis Barker Recording Session Flo Rida-Low official video

Saturday, August 25, 2007

unfortunate events one after another.....

Recently theres lots & lots of unfortunate events that happen to me and trust me all are very very very BAD!!!!!!!!!!!Firstly my wallet got lost &i dont even know how i drop it really is very puzzling haizzz could not have a decent meal for 1 whole week man no wonder so skinny now.Then another incident was that some IDIOT !!!!!! go push me and i accidentally tore a tiny weeny part of my ear ffffffoooooooooo~~~~~~ i tell you all blood was like the niagara falls*exxagerated abit* but the blood just kept flowing and flowing and it kept on bleeding frm my english class which was about 12pm till when marcus called me to go care group which was around between 3-4pm so its lyk wad the heck i bled for 3-4 hours sia wwooo!!!! nice~ haha but a miracle happen lehx which was i kept on bleeding until when marcus called me to go care group then my bleeding stop haha *god is moving* then yesterday after service i got a fever from out of no where sia just felt my head throbbing, whole body aching and my whole body was very hot kinda lyk the song its getting hot in here so take off all your clothes haha but the worse was that on my way back after service...two girls was lyk staring at me i tink shld be b'coz of my blood clot stuck at my ear....yupp that shld be it ......................

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