Travis Barker Recording Session Flo Rida-Low official video

Friday, August 17, 2007


Haizz 2dae was actually kinda sad coz early in the morning i woke up really prepared for the game...i really practice hard to the point tht i make sure tht i could juggle at least 15 tyms b4 taking a rest but upon starting the game i felt tht i wasnt really me coz i juz did nt feel rite thts y we got hammered 8-2...siao sia hammered unti tis standard no good tis is nt rite man.But i really felt lousy b'coz my team mates was really relying on me to so called deliver te goods but the think is i disappoint them n during half-tym i really stayed in the toilet cubicle n reflect to myself to the point tht i even drenched myself in the shower room to really wake myself up...Soon second half begin and although i did buck up to assist 1 but in the end we still lost so 2dae really feel lousy but in the process i have learnt tht being complacent is nt good so frm 2dae onwards i m really gonna practice n practice n i must not believe i m good unless i really know myself tht i have achieved my goal.

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