Travis Barker Recording Session Flo Rida-Low official video

Thursday, July 26, 2007

crap day...

The day started off wif math but seriously i dun really noe hw i hv been passing my math period over and over again i tink i shld consider filming down hw on earth did i go through math 4 bout 16yrs and still survive...then it was chinese again 1 word"SLACK" after was history but since e teacher was nt in clazz so kinda stone 4 bout a period b4 goin 4 i tell u i was on form men n we beat the other team 6-1 wahahah..after recess was elective so as usual we stone, tok and 'suan' each other till lesson over b4 goin 2 english clazzz wah sianzzz men do compre but no choice wad cn we do so after skool we actually planned 2 hv mcg*short 4 matthew care group* e basic tink was 2 let our contacts noe who we are n wad we do...then it RAIN....=.= of all tym it has 2 rain 2dae wen we planned 2 play soccer. So we juz stone there and tok until some1 gave a bright idea of playing at the canteen...since there was a big empty place so we decided yeah~ y nt lets play then i played barefooted there...i tell u guys all it was fun playing on cold concrete floor haha but hope tht we weren't caught on camera so better keep my fingers cross. So tht pretty sums up the whole bb

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