Travis Barker Recording Session Flo Rida-Low official video

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

sing a song hahaha

Super slack this few days no need take 'N' lvls haha so lucky but so bored almost everyday played Taidi and kept on listening to songs. Don't know but lately got addicted to the song thunder by Boys like Girls its like so nice lar btw i posted it above tis post so if you wanna go listen to it its kinda nice for my opinion especially the acoustic version. Today was so boring but the thing bout my classroom was that it is in an air-con room so i was practically only wearing my socks and walking around for the whole day haha like so cheena ah-peh like that but so what you know what 'Cheena' rocks and i'm proud to be a Cheena so lets go chee-o-go haha quoted by Lee Tok Kong

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